My name is Anna Busby, I am a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and I'm passionate about teaching others feel and perform their best through healthy eating. I studied Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Florida for my undergraduate studies then completed my Master's degree at Florida State University in Nutrition and Food Science with an emphasis in Sports Nutrition. I have worked in diabetes care for about 10 years but I am also passionate about helping active people, particularly women, not only learn what their nutrition needs are but tailor what they eat to optimize their performance so they can achieve their goals and feel their best.
Over the years I have found that many of my friends, family, and patients have struggle to put what the know about eating healthy into action. It can be daunting not only knowing what to eat but how to make healthy food taste good or fit healthy cooking around the rest of life's demands. My goal with this website is to provide a resource for those who don't know where to start and/or don't feel that have the time to eat well. I work full time, have two fur babies, and I'm a recreational athlete in my spare time so here I'm sharing many of the recipes and ideas I have found helpful to fuel my own work, athletic, and life goals. I hope you find something that helps you do the same!